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bring your golf game to life!

Certified Teaching Pro ✅

Launch monitor data✅

Video Analysis ✅


Professional Coaching designed to improve your game dramatically!

golf academy of america

Swing evaluation with a tailored plan for real results!

Getting off the tee with longer and straighter drives!

Fairway and bunker play with improved confidence!

Trajectory control for tight pins and tricky greens!

Solid Putting instruction for lower scores!

v1 digital coaching system

We offer V1 Video Swing Analysis!

The V1 video swing analysis includes: 

  • A frame by frame analysis of your swing

  • Feedback stations, drills and videos sent via app or phone

  • Check-Ins to supplement your progress 

Schedule is booking up for summer. Currently two weeks out. Send email/ text if you don’t see a time with online calendar.


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